söndag 2 juni 2013

It doesn’t start until the fat lady sings

Wow! It is really time. It feels surreal, I mean sitting on a flight knowing you won’t be moving back for two years.
Sad? Not yet at least. I expect I will miss my family, but right now all this is still too new.
Excited? Well, not right now. I do feel a little twinger in my stomach but nothing worth shouting about (which is basically still what I do by blogging…).
Bored? No, not bored. I expect staying too long at a hotel will make it boring but that path is yet to come.
Am I boring? Yes, maybe a little at least. What I right now mostly feel is tired. The last few weeks have been not only busy packing and preparing, but also strenuous. It is mostly the lack of information from Kenya that’s been taking it’s toll. Maybe I am oversensitive but I do feel it is ok to be a bit stressed , not knowing where to live in Nairobi and how our furniture will get there. If they get there, that is. There are so many questions and so few answers, but yes I am trying to look at things the Kenyan way (enjoy life and solve problems when they appear, not before). Apparently I still have a bit to go…
I’ll give you an example. Today is Saturday. Yesterday afternoon (Friday), at 5.30pm I received info on where to go when I get there and the program for the first week… 
Impressed with the view from the hotel room? I'm not either...

Home, at least for the next months I guess. But hey, the hotel has an ice-skating rink! Really.

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